FastTrack  on learning to cook

and Cooking Reference

Also Known As FTLtCaCR


Main Heading

First Level SubHeading      With the Short Story Button - Click the icon on this line

First Level SubHeading    

Click to See how to Navigate in this System

Second Level Sub Heading

Third Level Sub heading h4

Fourth level Sub Heading h5

Alternate Sub Heading Color

Alternate Third Level Sub Heading

Table Section

Table Caption and Sub Heading Color



Table row color a

Table row color a

Table row color c

Table row color c

Table row color b

Table row color b

Using a contextual selector

td p

Alternate Table

Table row color R1

Table row color R2




Row 1




Row 2




Table Caption and Sub Heading Color



Table row color c

Table row color c

Table row color a

Table row color a

Table row color c

Table row color c

This uses contextual selectors

td p

column 1

to have tables aligned on the left use - clear all after table end

column 3

lets see what we get

I want a table with border lines on the columns

but not on the rows

Link types and Button conventions

Buttons perform calculations and do actions like sorting, re arranging things and bringing up
pop ups.

There are two different color buttons, the colors change with the theme.
I have no convention for when to use the different colors of buttons yet.

See GaryDefaultNavigation for examples of how buttons are use for bringing up pop ups

Note on XUL
the button icon='help' is for how to use this application.
the button icon='properties' is for settings and options.

Nice Idea for HTML
I should do a CSS help button and an options button with the Linux icons for the widgets

Close type -> closes the header it appears to be on


A block type link, or what most people think of as a button , is used for jumps to other pages.

The buttondiv is used for mini Horizontal Menus, showing closely related items.  Is another way to make navigating easy.
The main menu has everything.  The on page buttondiv menu has very frequently used items.  Example widgets


MyButton is used for vertical menus.  Example a Table of contents for a short tutorial

Small with Dot

Small with Dot is used for further information on this subject.
Sort of more help on this kind of thing, but not application related

A one line dot link

Class AOne links are used for jumps from one part of a page to another.  Its a clue that if they open this link in a new tab,
they will have 2 tabs of the same page open.

Test Multimedia Section

Test Real Player
Test AVI File
Test Midi File
Test Wav File

Original Concept

Can Size



General Vegetable
and Fruit


Can Size Equivalents Conversion Charts Conversion Calculators General Vegetable and Fruit Guidelines Additional Resources

Std Links

Back to the Top  Altering Volume Measurements   Conversion Calculators   General Vegetable and Fruit Guidelines   Additional Resources 

Open gjcore.js as text
Go to a link

Text section

This my first sentence.  I want two spaces between the period and the start of the next sentence.  This is also my default font.  See the settings directly below.  This is the right way to code it, [full stop (.!?)][non breaking space][regular space].

    font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  another pre example for print testing.
  11 sets of 10 above or arround 110 characters per line on at 100%per; landscape
  Canon at 12 pt with margins of 2em on the body and .5 on the page.
  80 characters at 100% potrait

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ default font

Emphasized Text

FastTrack Menu    p

FastTrack Menu    p em

FastTrack Menu   em
FastTrack Menu   em bold
FastTrack Menu   bold

FastTrack Menu   GreyPattern

FastTrack Menu   LGreyPattern

FastTrack Menu   DGreyPattern

p     span DGreyPattern      span LGreyPattern      span DGreyPattern       span LGreyPattern   


Heading with myborder

Required Optional

Structured Text

EM: Indicates emphasis.
STRONG: Indicates stronger emphasis.
CITE: Contains a citation or a reference to other sources.
DFN: Indicates that this is the defining instance of the enclosed term.
CODE: Designates a fragment of computer code.
SAMP: Designates sample output from programs, scripts, etc.
KBD: Indicates text to be entered by the user.
VAR: Indicates an instance of a variable or program argument.

ABBR: Indicates an abbreviated form. Pass your Mouse Over the item WWW

ACRONYMs: have a dotted line around the word
Pass your Mouse Over the item. A ? will show at the mouse cursor and a tooltip will popup!

How is an acronym coded?

bold , italic , bold italic , teletype text big small quote
This following line has the tags without an enclosing p

bold , italic , bold italic , teletype text big small quote
this is the blockquote class='fancy'.
See how much fancier it is than the pre tag

I sometimes use this typographic type effect for the start of somewhat longer narrative. It usually signifies that you might have to think about this for a second.

Paragraphs start out indented.  To format multiple line within a p I have to use a   and a space to get the spacing correct,like this and the following line.  The last line of this paragraph will not have a   and I bet it will only have one space between the period and the next sentence. I have two spaces before this but no  .

CBError messages in this color

CBError warnings and unexpected or different informational messages in this color

Alternate formatting options for special cases

Another slightly different Caption

Centered Table

Left Justified

Table Left Justified

Right Justified my caption

Table Right Justified

p class small margins with class note. A Combination of this technique with other typographic conventions, such as first line indent, would prove too distracting visually, and should be avoided. Besides, the P is hosed in IE as the following DIV is not

div class smallmargins with p class note. A Combination of this technique with other typographic conventions, such as first line indent, would prove too distracting visually, and should be avoided.

* The Imperial gallon is divided into 160 fluid ounces (the U.S. gallon is divided into 128).  British Pints and Cups are very different from their U.S. counterparts!


Note the pullquote3 and smaller p this is any easy way to highlight a item, like in a list without having to do a table


blockquote class='fancy'.
Since you have to scroll down to get to this button,this tests how ...
show the blockquote fancy style
blockquote class='fancy smallboldspaced center'
style=width:50em; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto;
Since you have to scroll down to get to this button,this tests ...
show the blockquote fancy style with the smallboldspaced class

Hold the Presses.


Lists and Lists and Lists

  1. This is a ol with a class of cb.  I finally have a list that will wrap around to the next and it will indent the line (I am happy) making this really, really good and good

  2. okay with me

  3. lets go

What to highlight

its description


with a serrated knife, or prick the skin with the tip of a paring knife to get a slice going, then follow through with the blade. Cut lengthwise, from stem to blossom end, rather than widthwise to retain more juice.


Slice and put half of the slices on a cutting surface with a flat slice down, and cut them into strips. Cut crosswise into dice, and repeat with the other slices.


Make a small x opposite the stem end. Drop into boiling water for about 15 to 20 seconds. Remove and place in a bowl of ice water for about 5 minutes. Slip the skin off.


Cut in half horizontally, hold each half over a strainer sitting on a bowl and squeeze; the seeds will be trapped in the strainer. Only seed tomatoes if necessary for aesthetic reasons, because you will lose some of their nutritional value if you do.

This is another list type. Watch how it handles really long sections like this. It wraps them around and fromats them nicely. are usually best as they usually contains the fewest fillers and other additives.


can be tomato paste mixed with water or tomatoes that have been cooked and strained.

are tomatoes that have been cooked, strained and reduced to a concentrate.

is a generic term for any number of sauces that are tomato based.  Read your ingredients carefully.



The Bullets and Graphics Section










a png portable network graphics file with a transparency


 The default HR 

 A few other dividers for special cases, the first is a very thin divider


above me is the thin space

Examples of a HTML Forms and buttons etc

Show Me Screen Sizes:

Show Me Inner, Outer Text and HTML for an ID:

Reset object Submit object
Select a Theme

Plain White Background - Black Text     - Pale Blue Accents
Light Grey  Background - Dark Blue Text - Medium Blue Accents
Light Grey  Background - Dark Blue Text - Pale Blue Accents
Plain Black Background - White Text     - Blue Accents

an expandble textarea input box

Other Examples

Mouse Over Pop Up - Used to display additional images and text - Indicated by the border at the right ->

Dictionary Entries look like this



abalone is a shellfish that resembles a large scallop when out of its shell.  Abalone is considered a delicacy and has been compared to calamari with a more subtle flavour.  Farmed abalone is sold commercially.  It is illegal to sell wild abalone in the United States, however, you can dig your own in mid to Northern California.

ShoppingSpecialty Fish Markets
StoringEat as quickly as possible
PreparationTake out of the shell
YieldsYields and Equivalents
SubstitutionsNo Substitutions
Also seeSee : For additional information you could try researching farm raised seafood
See Shellfish.html

Play Video

Help System Entries showing our examples would look like this

a test of div to highlight a big block of text

Show Me Inner, Outer Text and HTML for an ID:
blockquote class='fancy'.
Since you have to scroll down to get to this button,this tests how ...
show the blockquote fancy style
àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîï ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏUpperCase ðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ