Approximate Body Fat and Ideal Weight Calculator

Your are unique, just like everyone else.  Your "ideal" weight is just a guideline.  For example, a fit woman on a 1,500 calorie diet or a fit man on a 2,000 calories per day diet who regularly worked out at a high intensity for over 5 hours per week for 6 months to a year could get close to their ideal weight.  That kind of discipline gets you to ideal, a few more calories and less exercise can keep you healthy.  Your mileage will very.  There are more precise methods for calculating your fat, ideal weights, frames sizes and target heart rate zones.  For example, the "Immersion" or Hydrostatic Density Test is the widely accepted standard for measuring body fat.  These results are estimates only.
If you don't have a flexible tape measure, just wrap a piece of cord or string that does not stretch around your wrist and measure the string!
Measure to within a 1/4 inch.   Whatever you use to measure yourself make that it fits snugly but does not compress the skin.
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  Female    Male  Select Gender
















Wrist Size



Activity Level