The Circle at Doherty park - Click and MouseOver Me!

I created this FDP free prototype web site to use as to start the discussion on what type of site you might like.

FDP google gmail email account ,
FDP photo sharing page

The domain names and are available and if the group wants, we can change the URL to one of those.

What do we want for a Web Presence for Friends of Doherty Park?


A place on the web to advertise and promote the work and goals of the Friends of Doherty Park.
Helping Maintain and Restore Doherty Park
Please send your thoughts to or at six one seven two four two eighty seven twenty one.
We could think about 2 types of pages:  Pages for the public and pages for us.

Examples of Similar Groups Sites
A real quick way to get a web site up and running is to use ideas that similar groups have done
for example see 

Home page:

Have verbiage approved and edited.
Take more and better pictures for the slideshow
and for inclusion on the front page

Who we are:
legal stuff and more about mission and purpose

I don't think we need a calendar, but a list of events would be nice.
A link to Parks and Recreation and Community Center

Contacts Us:

Page additions or edits: 

Possible additions

Much more about current and long term goals with some specifics.
minutes of meetings
list of officers ( with permission)
how to join and support
More pictures.
Pictures of flowers and fauna with pictures
descriptions of invasive species and pictures
like minded groups


A free website has limitations, its easy to do what they let you do, but, there are many limitations.
Its a couple of web pages, nothing to get too excited about, a web site is a very small part of what we do, so I would suggest we not get to picky about what we want.